Papaya seed germination in different packaging sizes


  • Maria Antônia Lemes de Lacerda Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Pedro Lucas da Silva Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Juracy Mendes Moreira Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Lucas Roberto de Carvalho Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Roberto Barbuio Centro Universitário Brasília de Goiás
  • Aurélio Ferreira Melo Grupo Educacional SOBRESP e Brasília educacional
  • Solemar Maria Neves SOBRESP



germinação, mudas, variedade


The experiment was installed in the greenhouse of the Centro Universitário UniBRASÍLIA de Goiás, in the city of São Luís de Montes Belos, Goiás, using a completely randomized design in a 3x2x6 factorial scheme, in which three types of plastic bags were tested (small, medium and large), two varieties of papaya (Papaia and Formosa) in six replications, with each basic unit consisting of 4 plants, in a total of 144 plants. The seeds were covered with fine sifted dry soil (1-2 cm) and then manually watered. The seedlings were arranged in beds in order to allow the researcher to carry out phytosanitary and cultural treatments and, after 20 days of germination, the seedlings were on average 5 cm tall. Disposal was then carried out, remaining only one plant per bag and, 30 days post-emergence, the plants had an average height varying between 15 and 20 cm. Healthy seedlings were then selected to be taken to the field for definitive planting. As the value of the F statistic (11.554) for treatments exceeds the critical value at the 1% probability level (4.25), it is significant at this level (P < 0.01), indicating that the treatments have significant effects on the production of papaya seedlings. With the breakdown of the treatment’s degrees of freedom to study the effects of factors (Plastic Bag and Varieties) and also the effects of Interaction, we observed that the value of the F statistic (7.749) for the interaction exceeds the critical value at the level of 1 % probability (6.01). Therefore, it is significant at this level (P < 0.01), thus indicating that there is a dependency relationship between plastic bag and variety. To study the effects of variety within each type of bag, we can conclude that, there is no significant difference at 5% probability (P > 0.05) when using the small bag, and there is a significant difference at 1% probability (P < 0.01) for the medium and large bags. To study the effects of bag types within varieties, we can conclude that bag types have a significant effect (P < 0.01) on the production of papaya seedlings.


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How to Cite

Papaya seed germination in different packaging sizes. (2023). Pubvet, 17(11), e1473.

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