Feed restriction in growing rabbits – Literature review


  • Maria Cristina de Oliveira
  •  Gracielle Teles Pádua



animal nutrition, cuniculture, feeding programs


The use of rations result in maxima productivity, however, the high ingredient cost due the competition between the man and the animals by the food, is on the troubles to the animal production. The quantitative rationing of ration for growing rabbits is a method very practiced in several countries, because decreases the digestives troubles incidence. In the rabbit production, the enteropathies, specifics or non-specifics, are always a big trouble, leading to animal losses between the birth and the slaughter. The limitation of feed intake depresses the growth during the restriction period, but the lower growth can be compensated later by the re-feeding. This practice also allows an economy with the feed and a best control of the carcass quality (reduce the fat content). In relation to the productive performance, the feed restriction induces the compensatory growth and increases the feed efficiency; besides improve the nutrient digestibility in the restriction period. Thus, this literature review was carried out to determine the effects of feed restriction on the performance, carcass and meat characteristics, and on the nutrient digestibility in growing rabbits





Produção animal

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