Examination of the corpus delicti in the expertise well-being in dairy cattle: Review


  • Jackson do Amaral Instituto de Zootecnia do Estado de São Paulo/SAA/SP
  • Tália Missen Tremori Atua nas área de Medicina Legal Veterinária, Patologia Animal, Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Pública.



Animal well-being, cattle farming, expert examination, legal veterinary medicine, necropsy


This review aims to discuss the technical analysis of the corpus delicti examination in well-being expertise to identify critical points in the investigation of production systems involving dairy cattle. In recent years, the well-being of animals has assumed a relevant role thanks to advances in legislation, increased public awareness and even market needs. Legal veterinary medicine allows for the application of veterinary sciences technical knowledge to pursue Law and Justice. It has an important role in the expertise with animals and their products, the environment and public health, although its forensic application on farm animals is still limited. In such context, the examination of the corpus delicti appears as a need for identification, recognition, interpretation and application of clues and evidence available in order to turn suspicions into certainties. Experts are to have the necessary experience in their fields of knowledge so as to carefully collect all possible evidence that may be related to facts in the breeding system under investigation. Therefore, it is necessary to identify, describe and collect any clues and prepare all possible evidence in case of suspicious or criminal facts, or the exclusion of both. Technically, both live and dead animals constitute evidence. The breeding system and its extensions represent the corpus delicti to be investigated. Such system needs to guarantee the physiological, behavioral and psychological needs of the animals. For this purpose, experts are to examine the corpus delicti through systematic forensic investigations of the entire breeding system, either of a single animal or the entire herd, the facilities, the management, and the environment for building the evidence and expert's report. The lack of veterinary care, or the illegal exercise of the profession will surely affect animal well-being, the quality of milk, and public health. Veterinarians trained in cattle well-being can help authorities by reporting animal mistreatment, or by educating breeders in cases of negligence, malpractice, or imprudence.





Bem-estar e comportamento animal

How to Cite

Examination of the corpus delicti in the expertise well-being in dairy cattle: Review. (2022). Pubvet, 16(04). https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/53

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