Accumulation and decomposition of litter on pasture ecosystem


  • Andréa Krystina Vinente Guimarães
  • José Cardoso Pinto
  • Caio Augustus Fortes



The deposition and decomposition of litter during the growing season influence the continuous supply of nutrients to plants.  The  accumulation  of  litter is influenced  by  several  factors  such  as nitrogen  level,  season,   grazing effect  and  climatic  conditions.  The chemical composition of plant litter significantly affects the temporal changes in decomposition processes and the flow of CO2 in the soil. The litterfall in pastures is strongly influenced by fertilization level. The increase in stocking rate may proporcione higher nutrient return to the litter.  In pastures, litter decomposition rate is mainly favored by legumes introduction, especially in the rainy season.  The litter  quality  produced  by  grasses  is  low,  however,  when  combined  with legumes,  occur  an increase in decomposition and nutrient release. 





Pastagem e forragicultura

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