Visceral metabolism and efficiency of energy use in animals taurine and zebuine


  • Claudio Jonasson Mousquer
  • Eduardo Henrique Bevitori Kling de Moraes
  • Geferson Antonio Fernandes
  • Alvair Hoffmann
  • Tiago Adriano Simioni
  • Wanderson José Rodrigues de Castro
  • Amorésio Souza Silva Filho
  • Fabíola Francisca Dias Fernandes



Cattle, maintenance requirements, organs


The relationship between energy intake, retained energy and heat production, along with the separation of maintenance and production, form the basis for discussion of the factors that affect energy requirements and efficiency of use in cattle. The knowledge of the energy efficiency of different species of cattle and their energy requirements for weight gain and for maintenance is important to obtain maximum productivity with minimum cost. The evaluation of the relative size of the organs is of utmost importance due to have a direct influence on carcass yield and the energy requirement for maintenance. The parties do not integrate carcass vary in weight according to race, stage of maturity and nutritional level. The relative size of the internal organs is of paramount importance as it has a direct influence on carcass yield and energy requirement for maintenance. The energy metabolism has direct influence of extrinsic and intrinsic to the animal, including age, weight, race, body composition, sexual condition, production potential, environmental conditions, activity and feeding level. Knowledge of the efficiency of utilization of metabolizable energy of the diet for different biological processes is necessary for the determination of metabolizable energy requirements (from the net requirements). Thus, the generation of information and the volume of publications on comparison of Bos tauros and Bos indicus must increase in order to own nutritional standards and differences in the partition of energy more statements because there is much conflict in the literature even within the same race.





Produção animal

How to Cite

Visceral metabolism and efficiency of energy use in animals taurine and zebuine. (2015). Pubvet, 8(05).

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