Ichthyofauna Guapore river and adjacent areas
diversity, species, specimens.Abstract
Number of species in freshwater ecosystems Brazilian is still uncertain. Given this, it is presented a study on the diversity of fish species found in Rio Guapore and adjacent areas. The experiment was conducted in April and May 2011, in the Vale of Guapore, Mato Grosso. Were demarcated two collection points: Point 1 (Rio Guapore) and point 2 (Adjacent Areas). We analyzed the Absolute and Relative Frequencies. It was estimated: Wealth, Margalef index, Shannon-Wiener diversity and Simpson and J. Equitability 648 specimens were captured in 4 orders, 7 families, 30 genius and 38 species. Characiformes, Siluriformes were higher. The most representative families were Characidae Loricariida and Chichlidae. Cichlasoma dimerus, Bryconamericus melanurus, Hypoptopoma inespectatum, Moenkhausia dichroura, Holoschestes pequira, Cichlas sp., Aphyocharax dentatus and Bryconomericus stramineus were the most frequent species. The pattern of species is expected for rivers of the Neotropics.
Copyright (c) 2014 Marcos Antonio de Oliveira, Angela Emi Takamura, Raquel Gonçalves Barbosa, Amorésio Souza Silva Filho, Fabricio Eugênio Araujo, Nelson Antunes de Moura, Claudio Jonasson Mousquer, Geferson Antonio Fernandes
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