Characterization of stem cells in different animal tissues and their therapeutic potential in regenerative veterinary medicine
Cell therapies, injured tissues, stem cells, tissue repair, veterinary medicineAbstract
Currently, stem cells have been the target of cellular therapies due to their plasticity and power to regenerate injured tissues. In this literature review, we address the currently most important stem cells, focusing on treatments using them. This study explores recent advances in the field, addressing the main sources of stem cells such as induced pluripotent, hematopoietic, adult and embryonic. The mechanisms of action of stem cells are analyzed with emphasis on their ability to differentiate into multiple cell lineages, secrete bioactive factors and stimulate tissue regeneration. Studies have also demonstrated the role of these cells in the tissue microenvironment, promoting angiogenesis, modulating inflammatory responses and favoring the repair of injured tissues. Promising results have been reported, such as functional improvement in cases of osteoarthritis, deep ulcerative corneal lesions, cutaneous lymphoma and chronic wounds. Despite this, challenges remain, including fully understanding cellular mechanisms, developing standardized protocols, and assessing long-term risks. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of stem cell use in veterinary medicine, highlighting their potential impact on improving animal health and welfare. By consolidating existing knowledge and identifying gaps in research, we hope to boost the advancement of this field, promoting innovative and safe therapeutic solutions for animals.
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