Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in dogs. Biliary sludge in a mixed breed dog

Case report


  • Débora Todeschini de Castro Centro Universitário FAM
  • Edelmar Chagas da Silva Centro Universitário FAM
  • Ingrid da Silveira Chiarelli Centro Universitário FAM
  • Mariana Tavares Maioni Centro Universitário FAM
  • Patrícia Franciscone Mendes Centro Universitário FAM
  • André Preturlon Terra Médico Veterinário Autônomo, Aprimoramento em Videocirurgia



biliary sludge, Cholecystectomy, veterinary medicine, videolaparoscopy


The development of minimally invasive surgeries has revolutionized the field of surgery. The technique presented in this paper was introduced in human medicine in 1987, and in recent decades it has gained importance in veterinary medicine due to its advantages and indications for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy is a surgical technique that has come to be used to solve several pathological conditions of the gallbladder, such as biliary sludge, symptomatic cholelithiasis, neoplasms, mucoceles and trauma, especially when these do not respond to clinical and drug treatment with choleretic and lipid-lowering drugs. The procedure consists of small abdominal incisions to remove the gallbladder, with the aid of a laparoscope and specific instruments. It offers a better prognosis when compared to conventional (open) surgery, as the latter is more traumatic and requires longer recovery times. The main advantages of video laparoscopy are smaller surgical incisions, reducing surgical stress and postoperative pain, decreased morbidity and rapid recovery, including lower risk of infection and lower incidence of postoperative complications. The present study aims to report the case of a rescued, geriatric, female mixed-breed dog with biliary sludge, as well as discuss the management of the patient, correlate the laboratory and ultrasound findings with the symptoms, progression and resolution of the treatment using surgical techniques.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Castro DT de, Silva EC da, Chiarelli I da S, Maioni MT, Mendes PF, Terra AP. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in dogs. Biliary sludge in a mixed breed dog: Case report. Pubvet [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 5];19(01):e1713. Available from:

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