Evaluation of weight gain in Nellore cattle with the use of four Ivermectin-based anthelmintics
Cattle, nematodes, dewormingAbstract
TThe influence of four different formulations of Ivermectin on the average weight of Nellore beef cattle from 20 to 25 months of age was analyzed, and the following formulations were tested: Control Group, I (Ivermectin at 4%), II ( 3.15% Ivermectin), III (3.5% Ivermectin, associated with 1.25% Abamectin) and IV (3.5 % Ivermectin + Vit A, D3, E). According to this statistic ANOVA, no significant effect was observed between the formulations and the Control Group. This result may be associated with both a low parasitic load due to residues of deworming performed 150 days before the beginning of the experiment. It can be concluded that the deworming did not change the average daily gain of Nellore cattle in the tested period.
Copyright (c) 2020 Marcelo Alves Herdy, Yasmin Gonçalves Pereira, Marta Valéria Rangel da Matta, Rodrigo César Medeiros da Silva, Renato Luiz Silveira, Fabiana Batalha Knackfuss

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