Characterization of the carbohydrates in the production of ruminants.


  • Mariana Oliveira Martins Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
  • Roseli Aparecida dos Santos Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri 



analytical methods, fiber, CNCPS


The partitioning of the carbohydrates present in the diets, has as objective nutricional, to show the differences in the scope of the digestion and fermentation process, beyond the effect in the animal performance. Methodological changes of analyses are the key to assign to the importance of the fractions of the carbohydrates, classifying the same ones from its nutritional characteristics, and selecting the best analytical methods that can describe the desired fractions. In result of the little information regarding the characteristics of the digestion of some carbohydrates and its interactions with other fractions present in the diets, it means that the methods not yet perfectly are stabilized. Based in the importance of carbohydrates in the diets and the effect in the animal performance, the important types must be measured (sugars, starch, fructans, soluble and insoluble fiber). It is essential to select methods that allow the adequate characterization of the carbohydrates, so that the same ones are enclosed with exactness in the diets and that they can attend the energy requirements of the animal ruminants.


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Nutrição e alimentação animal

How to Cite

Characterization of the carbohydrates in the production of ruminants. (2024). Pubvet, 2(26), e267.