Use of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha in felines infected with FeLV


  • Jaqueline Lemon Teixeira Rocha Centro Universitário das Américas
  • Patrícia Franciscone Mendes Centro Universitário das Américas



Small animal clinic, feline, hematology, immunomodulator


The feline leukemia virus (FeLV) is a retrovirus that belongs to the genus Gammaretrovirus and exclusively affects felids. The virus carries the reverse transcriptase enzyme, which integrates into the host's DNA permanently, leading to different clinical conditions. The main complications caused by FeLV are hematopoietic neoplasms, immune-mediated disorders, neurological alterations and immunosuppression, among other ailments. The disease has no effective treatment, but antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are currently under trial. Using Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha has shown to be helpful in reducing clinical symptoms and controlling opportunistic infections, increasing the life expectancy and quality of cats infected with FeLV. Retroviruses are among the main causes of death in domestic cats. The lack of knowledge regarding the disease among guardians and the growing cat population in Brazil are helping increase the number of FeLV cases. Although the disease lacks a universal veterinary medical protocol, there are new studies and information available that can help treat infected animals, improving their quality of life and expectancy and, in some cases, potentially eliminating the virus. This fact clashes with another reality: outdated professionals who are not familiar with the guidelines for Feline Retrovirus Testing and Management by the AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners), an international entity that has been working to improve feline health by providing evidence-based guidelines for veterinary practices since 1971. Populational growth and diseases that exclusively affect the species also highlight the need to include a deeper understanding of feline health in the curricula of undergraduate courses, preparing these future professionals to meet the demand for up-to-date veterinarians with sufficient knowledge to care for the species.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Use of Recombinant Human Interferon Alpha in felines infected with FeLV. (2024). Pubvet, 18(04), e1585.

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