Cobalt deficiency in cattle: Review


  • Clairton Marcolongo-Pereira Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo - UNESC



Cobalt, vitamin B12, deficiency, ruminant


Cobalt (Co) is a relatively rare mineral and an essential element necessary for the formation of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) in humans and animals. Cobalt deficiency is a disease that only affects ruminants that ingest in their diet low concentrations of this mineral, which leads to the deficiency of this central vitamin in several metabolic pathways in the animals' organisms. The objectives of this work were to make a brief review of cobalt deficiency in ruminants, addressing epidemiological aspects, clinical and pathological characteristics, diagnosis, treatment, and control of this disease. Cobalt deficiency is clinically characterized by inappetence, weight loss, and reproductive problems. The disease occurs in all biomes and regions of Brazil, affecting mainly animals raised in extensive management. The presumptive diagnosis is based on the history and observation of the herds, in which the animals lose weight despite the abundant pasture and the control is made by supplementation with the mineral.





Nutrição e alimentação animal