Salmonella spp.: Relevance of the pathogen on the commercial expansion of the sheep meat


  • Juliano Gonçalves Pereira
  • Vanessa Mendonça Soares
  • Thiago Braga Izidoro
  • José Paes de Almeida Nogueira Pinto



Contamination. Salmonella. Sheep meat


In recent years, the slaughter and consumption of sheep meat and meat products have increased significantly and as the demand for products from sheep increases the risks associated with consumption of these products rise in the same proportion. The organism involved in most foodborne diseases is Salmonella, a bacterium that has a reservoir the intestinal tract of humans and animals. Few data are found in the literature on the prevalence of Salmonella in sheep, unlike other countries where concern for the consumption of sheep infected by this pathogen leads to scientific research, which they seek to evaluate the risks of eating food contaminated with Salmonella. In view of these facts, the objective was to collect data through the literature on the occurrence of Salmonella in sheep, supporting and promoting research on this subject.





Tecnologia de alimentos

How to Cite

Salmonella spp.: Relevance of the pathogen on the commercial expansion of the sheep meat. (2015). Pubvet, 4(20).

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