Case report: Twist of splenic


  • Amanda Furjan Rial
  • Scharla Walesca
  • Vanessa Satie Yamanaka
  • Lilian Helena Cassanego
  • Maurício Orlando Wilmsen
  • Solange de Oliveira
  • Andréa Christina Ferreira Meirelles
  • Liege Georgia Andrioli Martins
  • Maria Cecilia de Lima





The etiology of splenic torsion stump is still uncertain, but is correlated between congenital abnormalities, trauma, a subsequence partial gastric torsion or gastric dilatation volvulus. The treatment is splenectomy, and clinical treatment limited to the preoperative and postoperative. To the veterinary hospital at PUC-PR a dog, the British Bulldog male with about three years old showing the following clinical signs: apathy, fatigue, acute abdomen, tachypnea, increased volume in the abdominal region, signs lingered for about three months. The diagnosis was only possible through an exploratory laparotomy. The abdomen was bloody exudate with a volume of thirty-six milliliters, after confirmation of splenic torsion, because idiopathic, total splenectomy was performed. Total splenectomy may be effective provided it is careful to follow the surgical technique, for example, during the ligation of vessels that are shared between the spleen and stomach, which can generate up to a necrosis of the fundus of the stomach, allowing until the death of patient post-surgical.





Medicina veterinária

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