Effect of the period of storage, place and type of treatment on the quality of white eggs for human consumption


  • Ricardo Antonio Pilegi Sfaciotte
  • Maria José Baptista Barbosa
  • Sheila Rezler Wosiacki
  • Rejane Machado Cardozo
  • Raquel Reis Martins




albumen, weight, quality, storage, temperature


The quality of the eggs is determined by external aspects, they are related to the quality of the bark as its structure and hygiene, and the internal aspects such as the characteristics of the yolk, the air chamber, albumen, color, odor and taste, being that all of these characteristics leads to the acceptability of the product by consumers. The time of storage and temperature of the eggs has great influence to indicate the quality of the egg. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of time in days and the storage location and type of treatment (washing and immersion with mineral oil) in the external and internal quality of white eggs of laying hens for human consumption. The treatments consisted of six (6) storage periods (0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35), two (2) local storage (refrigerator and environment) and three (3) types of treatment (washed with water current, not washed and brushed the wider end with mineral oil). The variables studied were egg weight, albumen height, yolk height and width. In this study, we observed that independent of treatment (washed eggs, not washed and brushed with mineral oil), preserved in refrigerator were higher (P ≤ 0.05) in quality for highegg yolk and height albumen, compared with the environment. For the width of the yolk and egg weight, the effects were varied. Thus, it was concluded that by means of this test the eggs lose their qualitative properties over time if they are not kept in low temperature conditions, whether they are brushed with oil, cleaned with running water or not.





Tecnologia de alimentos

How to Cite

Sfaciotte RAP, Barbosa MJB, Wosiacki SR, Cardozo RM, Martins RR. Effect of the period of storage, place and type of treatment on the quality of white eggs for human consumption. Pubvet [Internet]. 2015 Sep. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(19). Available from: https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/1631

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