Physico-chemical analysis of pulps of western indian cherry (Malpighia glabra L.) handmade and industrial frozen


  • Antonio Carlos Silva-Júnior Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá
  • Jaqueline Freitas do Nascimento Instituto Macapaense do Melhor Ensino Superior
  • Bruno dos Santos Barroso Instituto Macapaense do Melhor Ensino Superior
  • Ediluci do Socorro Leôncio Tostes Instituto Macapaense do Melhor Ensino Superior
  • Anne do Socorro Santos da Silva Instituto Macapaense do Melhor Ensino Superior



Tropical fruts, SIQ, Vitamin C


The processing of fruit to obtain pulps is an important agroindustrial activity, since it adds economic value to the fruit, avoiding wastes and minimizing losses that can occur during the commercialization of the product in natura. Fruit pulp can replace fresh fruit in the preparation of juices, nectars, jams, jellies, ice creams, with the advantage of being found also in the off-season period of these fruits. In this way, the objective of this work is to analyze the physical-chemical parameters of the acerola pulp industrially and artisanally manufactured and commercialized in the city of Macapá-AP. In the study, 6 samples were used, 3 of which were hand-crafted pulps and the remaining 3 industrial-produced pulps were made in triplicate, with parameters such as pH, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Titratable Total Acidity, Moisture, Protein, Lipids, Fiber and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C). From the data obtained, the parameters as SST of the industrialized acerola pulp had a mean of 5.58 ± 0.1 ° B, while the handmade pulp produced average of 5.08 ± 1.2 ° B. Having as Identity and Quality Standard (SIQ), for SST the minimum value of 5.50 ° B, thus being the handmade pulps below the established standard. For ascorbic acid in industrial pulps the mean was 1080.11 ± 21.02 mg / 100g. While in the traditional pulps the average found was 633.04 ± 118.77mg / 100g, in this way, only the industrial pulps were within the one recommended by the legislation that determines a minimum of 800mg / 100g of ascorbic acid. The pH for both pulps complied with the legislation that recommends pH above 2.80. Regarding the parameters of proteins, lipids, fibers and moisture, they fit into the general nature of most vegetable products, except oilseeds. Considering the findings of this research, the industrialized pulps presented values more compatible with the legislation and with the literature than those of artisanal production, it is believed that it is due to the process of industrialization that influences its state of conservation.





Ciência e tecnologia de alimentos

How to Cite

Silva-Júnior AC, Freitas do Nascimento J, Barroso B dos S, Tostes E do SL, Silva A do SS da. Physico-chemical analysis of pulps of western indian cherry (Malpighia glabra L.) handmade and industrial frozen. Pubvet [Internet]. 2018 May 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];12(06). Available from:

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