Evaluation of the intake and behavior of Holstein calves fed with ground corn (Zea mays L.) rehydrated and ensiled
concentrate conservation, nutrition, ruminantsAbstract
Corn is one of the world's most widely grown cereals, with most of the production being fed. In order to minimize the problems caused by storage and to obtain a higher efficiency in the bovine feed with corn-based diets, several methods of grain processing have been tested. The objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption and behavior of Holstein heifers, fed with milled rehydrated and silage corn, instead of the formulated feed. The experiment was conducted at the IF SUDESTE MG - Campus Barbacena, and fifteen Holstein heifers were used in a completely randomized design in subdivided plots, the plots being the three treatments (T1: 0%, T2 = 50% and T3: 100% substitution of the feed formulated by milled and rehydrated corn grain silage), with five replications, and the subplots the three 24 hour periods for behavior observation. The idle behavior parameters, feeding, sleeping, urinating, and defecating only water but also the parameter relating to food consumption were not affected (P>0.05) by treatments. The water consumption parameters, and lying ruminating were affected (P<0.05), ranging from 27.46 to 19.23 liters 19.93 to 26.20% and from 37.07 to 41.30%, respectively. Replacing the feed formulated by silage of rehydrated and ensiled corn kernels did not cause changes in the behavior of the animals during the evaluated period.
Copyright (c) 2019 Guilherme Martins de Almeida Cruz, Renata Vitarele Gimenes Pereira, Wellyngton Tadeu Vilela Carvalho, Queila Gouveia Tavares, Lucas Vieira Silva, Janaína Aparecida Miranda Resende, Alvino Marcelo de Oliveira, Carlos Antunes Oliveira de Carvalho, Gustavo Piacesi Rocha, Aline Silva Oliveira

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