Rhinoplasty technique using ultrasonic scalpel in Persian feline


  • Flavia Gomes universidade federal fluminense
  • Debora Rodriguez Ferreira universidade federal fluminense
  • Ivan Torres Gregório Da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Thainá Elis Fonseca de Aquino Centro Universitário Univeritas




Brachycephalic, nostril stenosis, persian


The nostril stenosis is considered a primary alteration in brachycephalic syndrome, which features a narrow nasal opening limiting the air passage, being easy to be externally noted. Dogs and cats that show stenosed nostrils have great respiratory effort, tiredness, and snoring. The treatment is surgical correction through the rhinoplasty procedure. Considering that the brachycephalic syndrome is progressive, the prognosis becomes favorable when animals are taken under surgery when the syndrome has not advanced so much. The present report aims to present a nine-year-old Persian cat with a history of intolerance to exercises and frequent nasal discharge. A the animal was submitted to the rhinoplasty procedure with the use of the ultrasonic scalpel, which led to a faster surgical recovery and immediate post-surgical, already showing clinical signs of improvement.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Gomes F, Rodriguez Ferreira D, Torres Gregório Da Silva I, Elis Fonseca de Aquino T. Rhinoplasty technique using ultrasonic scalpel in Persian feline. Pubvet [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];15(11). Available from: http://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/170

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