Determination of radiographic parameters of cardiac silhouette in dogs of clinically normal brachycephalic


  • Edivaldo Barboza Filho Faculdade Regional da Bahia
  • Jackson Farias Universidade Estadual da Bahia
  • Rodrigo Rodrigo Lima Carneiro Universidade Estadual da Bahia
  • Ana Manuella Souza de Babo Faculdade Regional da Bahia



Heart, radiography, cardiac silhouette, VHS


The aim of this study was to determine the value of ESR in dogs of clinically normal brachycephalic breeds in order to determine normality parameters for breeds with this characteristic. The Vertebral Heart Size (VHS) method measures heart size comparing thoracic vertebrae in order to help diagnose heart failure and cardiomegaly. Chest radiography has an importance in the medical clinic of small animals, providing information for the evaluation of intrathoracic organs, as well as the ability to assess the cardiac silhouette. The radiographs were evaluated as proposed by Buchanan & Bücheler (1995), measuring the cardiac silhouette and depth and width of the chest. The mean values obtained for ESR were 9.57 ± 059v, with the lowest measured value being 8.5v and the highest 10.5v. The specification found divergent values when compared to the authors' study. Thus, confirming the need to determine specific ESR values or races with characteristics of brachycephaly.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Determination of radiographic parameters of cardiac silhouette in dogs of clinically normal brachycephalic. (2021). Pubvet, 15(12), e981.

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