Atopic dermatitis in a bitch: clinical case


  • Walterez Geralda De Barboza Faculdade Qualittas
  • Walterez Geralda de Araujo Barboza .
  • Elaine Waite de Souza .
  • Andrea Moreira Paulino .



cytology, Favrot, pruritic, trichrome


Atopic dermatitis is usually caused by three types of allergens: pollen, mites and fungi. Subdivisions of allergic dermatoses are allergic to flea bite dermatitis, food allergy and atopic dermatitis. The diagnosis of Allergic Dermatoses is clinical and always done by exclusion. In dogs, Favrot's criteria are used. Existing laboratory tests are only complementary, as are intradermal or serological tests. Tricograms Aids in determining if alopecia is caused by self-injury and, in these cases, the tonsured (fractured) hair is observed. Cytology Should be performed on every animal with pruritus except for those with non-inflammatory alopecia. We can collect material by skin scraping or by the adhesive tape. The treatment of Allergic Dermatoses should be with antipruritic therapy, combat ectoparazites, combat opportunistic diseases, hydration, omega 3, and may also use immunimodulators, immunotherapy, ultraviolet light, autohemotherapy, and psychotropic.





Medicina veterinária

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