Performance of beef cattle fed with Biosacch TR Concentrado


  • Marco Aurélio Factori Doutor em Zootecnia
  • Wagner Corrêa Industria de Medicamentos Veterinários S.A.
  • Fauzi Elias Halak Industria de Medicamentos Veterinários S. A.
  • Gabriel Silva Fava Zootecnista



fecal score, performance, weight gain, Pasture


The use of probiotics as feed additives is an important tool in improving animal performance by increasing the growth of rumen bacteria and improving animal conversion. To this end, an experiment was carried out in Rancharia, São Paulo, in beef cattle and pasture production systems using Braquiária brizantha cv. Marandu, with the use of paddocks and supplementation. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect on weight gain and fecal score when using Biosacch TR Concentrado for beef cattle. The experiment took place between June 2024 and September 2024. 20 Nellore and Angus animals were used for the experiment. The animals remained divided into two production batches, with a weight range of 500 kg + 10 kg. in each batch, 10 animals were used, equal in weight and blood levels, where they received concentrate (1.3% of live weight), pasture, mineral salt and water ad libitum. The animals were individually weighed on a digital scale to measure their initial and final live weights, as well as weight gains at 12 (measuring the animals' adaptation to the supplement), 34, 45 and 60 days. In pasture, upon weighing, at 0, 12, 34, and 60 days, the animals' feces were checked. No differences in behavior and fecal score were observed, with or without the use of the probiotic in pasture. The animals that ingested the product, from the 45th day onwards, differ in terms of live weight and individual daily weight gains throughout the final supply period, yielding average live weight values with average differences of 23 kg after 45 days, and average daily gains with a difference of 700 grams for the 45th day, and up to 4 kg on average for the 60th day, with the use of the product when compared to without the product. The use of Biosacch TR Concentrado improved the weight gain and final weight of the animals.


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Foto: Mariana Ornaghi





Produção animal

How to Cite

Factori MA, Corrêa W, Halak FE, Fava GS. Performance of beef cattle fed with Biosacch TR Concentrado. Pubvet [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];19(01):e1709. Available from:

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