Strongylus vulgaris thrums adhered to the aortic semilunar valve and aorta in the equine


  • Ana Luíza Bernardes Pavan Universidade de Franca
  • Gabriela Oliveira Lamarca da Silva Universidade de Franca
  • Larissa Fernandes Magalhães Médico Veterinário autônomo, Brasil
  • Micaela Silva Carrijo Universidade de Franca
  • Bianca Costa de Morais Universidade de Franca
  • Daniel Paulino Júnior Universidade de Franca
  • Maysa Barbosa de Almeida Universidade de Franca
  • Caio Rafael Siqueira Vasconcelos Universidade de Franca
  • Lívia Maria Dias de Sá Universidade de Franca
  • Mazurquiedisk Nunes Rosa Júnior Médico Veterinário Autônomo, Brasil
  • Vitor Foroni Casas Universidade de Franca



ciclo, migração, parasita, resistência


Intestinal parasitic infections are one of the main debilitating conditions that affect horses. Grazing, natural habits, the way of breeding and the unrestrained use of dewormers favor the development of parasites, make their control difficult and cause parasite resistence to commonly used active ingredientes. Parasites, in addition to causing economic losses directly related to pathologies and clinical manifestations, such as reduce performance and development of affected animals, can favor the development of other conditions such as colic sydrome and other possibilities. Among the species that affect the equine species, the most prominent parasite is Strongylus vulgaris, wich, during its evolutionary cycle, migrates throhgh the animals bodies through blood vessels, and can affect diferente systems, explaining its importante pathogenesis. The formation of thrombi in importante vessels within the organismo of parasitized animals is notable, which is suficiente for the development of other pathologies.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Strongylus vulgaris thrums adhered to the aortic semilunar valve and aorta in the equine. (2024). Pubvet, 18(07), e1623.

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