Use of integrative medicine in the treatment of hematological disorders: case report




dog, hematology, hemogram, integrative medicine


Hematological disorders are extremely common in the veterinary medical clinic. As they are disorders that affect blood cells in general, there are numerous causes, but the most common are nutrition, parasitic microorganisms and autoimmune diseases. The objective of the present work was to report the case of a 13-year-old Labrador retriever dog with severe hematological disorders and severe anemia, where several differential diagnoses were attempted, but a definitive diagnosis was unsuccessful. Integrative therapies were selected, thus performing an evaluation of the animal and initiating treatment based on its results and laboratory alterations using the following techniques: acupuncture, chromotherapy, Chinese phytotherapy, homeopathy, moxibustion and vitamins. The study allowed us to conclude that the treatment was efficient in increasing cell counts of the hematopoietic system in general, obtaining a significant improvement in the animal's clinical condition.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Use of integrative medicine in the treatment of hematological disorders: case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(07), e1412.

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