Efficiency of different types of inoculants in soybean crop





legume, nitrogen, production


The inoculation of Bradyrhizobium specific for the soybean crop is an indispensable practice in the cultivation of this leguminous plant. In this study, traditional inoculation via seed was chosen. The experiment was carried out in a soil classified as red oxisol with medium texture in a completely randomized design (DIC), with 4 treatments and 7 repetitions. Each experimental unit was comprised of a 1m² plot, and the treatments analyzed were: Liquid inoculant (T1); Peat inoculant (T2); Liquid + peat inoculant (T3) and no inoculant (T4). The objective proposed in this study was to verify the need to use inoculants in soybean planting in areas where the crop has been cultivated for more than six years. According to the F test, there was a significant difference between the treatments, with T3 standing from among the others for root length, number of nodules and nitrogen concentration on the leaf. T2, although inferior to T3, showed better results than treatments T1 and T4. In the experimental conditions using the Brasmax Bônus8579IPRO cultivar, there was a significant difference in the use of the products, with emphasis on the liquid inoculation + peat (T3), presenting a higher frequency concentration in the plant leaf, obtaining an even greater number of nodules and root length. As the value of the F statistic for the variables average root length, average number of nodes and average leaf transmit nitrogen content exceeds the critical value at the 1% probability level (4.72), they are represented at this level (P < 0 ,01). As the calculated F values were greater than the tabulated F values for the three analyzed variables, we rejected the null hypothesis (H0), and concluded that the determining variables have different effects. Therefore, we can conclude that the most recommended for inoculation would be the use both products.


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How to Cite

Efficiency of different types of inoculants in soybean crop. (2023). Pubvet, 17(06), e1400. https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v17n6e1400

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