Atualidades na nutrição de frango de corte


  • Gabriela Franco Oliveira



Update. Chicken food. Chicken.


This abstract contains some extrats of the most updated works regarding the nutrition of chicken: The aminoacids such as glutamina and nucleotideos can play important role during periods of great challenge and for animals grown in alternative production system. Metionina and cistina, when over supplied for animals might interfere with the animal basic- acid balance causing metabolic acidosis. The incomes of cuts, are closely related to the presence of adequate and balanced levels of treonina and synthetic lisina, according to the animal request. The use of addictive might contribute on the animals development and even enable the use of alternative ingredients. The peletização is the food process that shows beneficial effects on the birds performance. Exógenas enzymes in the chickens diet increase the digestion of low-quality ingredients. Minerals such as phosphorus and calcium in diets guarantee a good formation and a better bone resistance. Now the fat, its addition in the frood, makes a beneficial effect in the chickens performance, however, if they come like triglicerideos, they may cause great problems.

