Behavior and temperament in ruminants


  • Lizziane da Silva Argôlo
  • Mauriceia Costa Carvalho Barros
  • Jair de Araújo Marques
  • Sônia Martins Teodoro
  • Mara Lúcia Albuquerque Pereira



Emotion, Reactivity, Heritability of the Temperament


The temperament has been the target of several studies, especially those related to the interaction man x animal. Researchers suggest that temperament is an innate and private characteristic of each individual, which in turn reacts to environmental stimuli. With the knowledge that temperament is an attribute genetically determined, the researchers, as well as producers have sought ways to select more docile animals that allow better management and increased productivity within a system of production. The purpose of this review was elucidate the concepts of temperament and behavior and discuss the information available on this subject since the year 2000, noting how these features may provide subsidies to serve the interests of the man without harming the animal welfare.





Bem-estar e comportamento animal

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