Orotracheal intubation in pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) for the general inhalation anesthesia in the decubitus dorsal and ventral<
Intubation Intratracheal, swine, surgery, veterinaryAbstract
The authors describe the technique of intubation in the dorsal and ventral position and determine the aspects related to the difficulties of intubation in pigs subjected to gastroenterostomy and gastroenteric endoscopy at the Center for Experimental Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Using 12 Landrace pigs, male, weighing 30 to 60kg. Intubation after induction occurred in both procedures, surgical and endoscopy, performed at intervals of three months. So that each animal was intubated using the prone and supine position, each one in each procedure. It was found that the difference in size between the jaws limits the maneuver with the laryngoscope. The prone position facilitates intubation, regardless of the weight of the animals and that in the supin position only in animals up to 30kg. It was concluded that the prone position on the operating table facilitates tracheal intubation in pigs.
Copyright (c) 2011 Paulo Cesar Silva; Manoel Luiz Ferreira;Lucas Cristo Conilho Macedo Müller; Juan Benito Campos Diz Atan; Christiano Costa Esposito; Luiz Alfredo de Magalhães Vivas
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