Non linear alternat
Cluster Analysis, Nonlinear Models Alternative Growth RateAbstract
The objective was to examine alternative non linear models to describe grouw in goat breed Mambrino. Data were used to weigh 18 (monthly) from 44 animals frombirth to 540 days of age. For the selection of models, data were generated by the evaluators AIC, BIC, MEP and R2aj, R2p and performed a cluster analysis. The non linear models were used Schute, Mitscherlich, Meloun I, Meloun II, Meloun III, Meloun IV, Reynolds, Gamito, Meloun V, Meloun VI, Michaelis – Menten, Michaelis – Menten Modified and Weibull. Of the thirteen models used three had no convergence (Reynolds, Michaelis-Menten Modified and Weibull) and four models showed no conventional pattern of growth curves (Schnute, Meloun II, Meloun V and Gamito). The Michaelis-Menten model was the best in describing the growth of animals followed the models Mitscherlich and Meloun III. The gender did not significantly influence the shape parameters of the model Michaelis-Menten and observed a significant reduction in animal growth after weaning, especially after 165 days, which suggests specific food handling measures in this phase.
Copyright (c) 2011 Lorena Mirelle Santos Muniz, Diego Pagung Ambrosini, Adriano Lage Freitas, Ana Carla Borges Barbosa, Laaina de Andrade Souza, Aracele Prates de Oliveira, Paulo Luiz Souza Carneiro, Carlos Henrique Mendes Malhado, Rone Anderson Borges Duarte

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