Microbiologic viability of the autologous serum  as an adjuvant in the corneal ulcer management in dogs (Canis familiaris, LINNAEUS, 1758)


  • Ana Letícia Bambirra
  • Arianne Pontes Oriá
  • Robson Bahia
  • Francisco de Assis Dórea Neto
  • Melissa Hanzen Pinna




Blood serum; Corneal ulcer; Dogs 


Corneal ulcer is one of the most commonly ocular affections seen in the small animal practice. Several agents are used for its management with the main purpose of interrupt tissue destruction and promote healing. Blood serum is widely used as an adjuvant in the corneal ulcer management, due to its epitheliotrophic power and also for contains vitamins, immunoglobulins, anticollagenolytic and bacteriostatic properties. This study aimed to evaluate the bacterial and fungal contamination risk of the refrigerated canine serum, to be used in the corneal ulcer management. Blood was collected from seven healthy animals, stored in sterile tubes that were centrifugated afterwards to obtain the serum. This was diluted to 50% with Lacrima ®, kept refrigerated at 4º C in sterile bottles, which were opened at every 24 hours and samples were sowed in blood agar and Sabouraud, in order to verify fungal growth for twenty-two days and bacterial growth, for ten days. During the accomplishment of this study fungal and bacterial growth were not seen in any of the samples.  It was concluded that the canine serum can be safely used if adequately collect and preserved for a ten days period bacterial growth and fungal growth for twenty-two days period. 





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Microbiologic viability of the autologous serum  as an adjuvant in the corneal ulcer management in dogs (Canis familiaris, LINNAEUS, 1758). (2015). Pubvet, 5(40). https://doi.org/10.22256/pubvet.v5n40.1261

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