Chemical composition of corn silage with additives
co-product, wet corn gluten feed, animal productionAbstract
Corn silage is one of the most conserved feed used in animal production during drought. The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition of corn silage with different additives. The design was randomized, in a 3x3 factorial scheme (three values of the addition of wet corn gluten feed and two additives + one without additive), with three replications, totaling 27 experimental units. We used analysis of variance with 5% significance and Scott-Knott's test for the data obtained. The values of total digestible nutrients and dry matter increased proportionally to the co-product inclusions in the silages with additives. The crude protein and neutral detergent fiber presented the same behavior, while the values of acid detergent fiber were reduced in the silages with 30% of the co-product. Silages treated with benzoate showed higher ash content. Lower values for ethereal extract content were found in the silages without inclusion of the co-product. The use of 15 and 30% of wet corn gluten feed had no effect on the chemical composition of the silage.
Copyright (c) 2018 Raquelline Rodrigues Figueiredo, Ana Paula Silveira Souza Freire, André Madeira Silveira França, Isabel Cristina Ferreira, Ednaldo Carvalho Guimarães

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