Occurrence of parasites in merluza filet (Merluccius sp.): Review
Anisakiasis, merluza, parasitosis, public health, zoonosisAbstract
Abstract. Fish has high nutritional quality and is one of the most consumed proteins in the world, with different forms of preparation, with emphasis on the consumption of raw fish, which has been associated with the increased incidence of parasitic zoonoses. Many species of parasites use fish as a site for the development of part of their biological cycle, thus being able to reach man, and thus cause infection, better known as zoonotic disease. These diseases occur when the recommended guidelines for fish consumption are not followed and / or if fish are ingested under inappropriate conditions. Symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, digestive bleeding, intestinal obstruction and even perforation, peritonitis, anaphylaxis and death are related to parasitic infections. Despite this, Oriental cuisine is increasingly present in South America and with it the tradition of consuming raw or undercooked fish, which facilitates infection by parasites. In this context, the objective of this work was to carry out a literature review on the occurrence of parasites in filets of hake (Merluccius sp.). Based on the researched studies, it was verified that the hake fillet may present parasites of importance in public health, with anisakiasis being the most common parasitic disease in Brazil and related to the consumption not only of hake, but also of salmon and cod, fish consumed very often in the country. Although this zoonosis is very important, it is little known, as it is not mandatory to report, and can be confused with symptoms of other types of infection. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of raw fish, and when fresh or undercooked fish is consumed, it should be frozen before consumption, at a temperature of -20 ° C or -35 ° C; for 24 or 15 hours, respectively, as recommended by Brazilian law.
Copyright (c) 2021 Fernanda Neubaner da Silva, Hugo Leandro Azevedo da Silva, Lilian Cristina de Sousa Oliveira Batista Cirne
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