Myxomatous mitral valve disease in dogs: Review
Cardiopathy, degeneration, dogs, mitralAbstract
Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration is a affection that affects several animals, mainly of small breed animals, male and elderly. As it is one of the main cardiopathy that affect these canids, the objective was to compile the most relevant and recent information in the literature on this topic, which was done using databases and books. Although the etiology was not be determined until the conclusion of this work, there is scientific evidence that corroborates the correlation between the activation of cardiac cell proliferation mechanisms in the embryonic phase. The diagnosis of which can be made through anamnesis, physical examination, imaging, biochemicals and electrocardiogram. Based on these and clinical signs, we can stage the disease and evaluate therapeutic options to conduct the treatment properly. Because it is a chronic disorder that results from changes in the structural conformation of cardiac components, clinical treatment is not curative. Therefore, several drugs can be administered in order to inhibit the harmful compensatory mechanisms to the individual's organism as a way to promote greater life expectancy and quality. Surgical treatment can be performed using different techniques, but found several impediments to the performance of this type of procedure in the routine in Veterinary Medicine.
Copyright (c) 2021 Caroline de Oliveira Silva Almeida
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