Equine pelvic limb amputation and rehabilitation

Case report





Amputation, equine, healing, rehabilitation


Injuries in the locomotor system of equines is a common reality all around the world; however, due the severity of some cases, there is no effective treatment, with euthanasia as the only option. Limb amputation in this species offers an alternative for the recovery and preservation of the animal’s life, which can be a satisfactory result depending on the patient’s temperament and owner’s dedication. This report describes the case of a horse that suffered a total laceration due to an accident with smooth wire, and the tutor opted for amputation of the right pelvic limb instead of euthanasia. Post-operatively, dehiscence of the suture occurred, so the recovery process required continuous monitoring for wound management and correct scar modeling. Rehabilitation included tests with two protheses, which still weren’t properly suited. In the end, the patient adapted to tripedal locomotion and returned to its normal grazing habits after recovery.


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Prótese de fibra de vidro e alumínio em fase de teste em equino.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Equine pelvic limb amputation and rehabilitation: Case report. (2024). Pubvet, 18(10), e1665. https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v18n10e1665

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