Feline welfare: Maintenance in small spaces
Feline welfare, stressAbstract
Currently, the cat is one of the main companion animals, and in some countries, it already surpasses the dog in this condition, and due to this high number of animals, it is sometimes kept in situations that are not always adequate for a high degree of well-being. Understanding, identifying and correcting these maintenance situations in the three main maintenance situations identified in this manuscript will significantly increase this level of well-being. Meeting the needs of the individual, under specific conditions, will increase their well-being. This animal, when kept in inadequate conditions (particularly in high numbers of animals and/or with limitations in its movement) will present behaviors indicative of stress, and the identification of such situation, as early as possible, will allow its recovery and adequacy of conditions, raising your well-being to satisfactory levels.
Copyright (c) 2022 Bianca Beatriz Pizani Soares, Gelson Genaro
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