Xylitol: Evaluation of dog guardians understanding of the risks of its consumption
Pets, sweetener, toxicologyAbstract
Xylitol is a sweetener found in a wide range of processed foods for humans. However, its consumption by dogs affects important metabolic and pathophysiological pathways. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of tutors about xylitol, its presence in different food products intended for humans and the risks for their consumption by dogs. An online questionnaire was applied to dog tutors, from October 6 to 12, 2021, where 84 responses were obtained. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution. It could be observed that 42.9% of tutors know or have heard about xylitol, relating it to a sweetener; among those who know the substance, only 41.7% of the respondents reported recognizing foods that have xylitol in their composition, however, the reports of these tutors showed low relevance; 63.9% of tutors who declared to know the substance related it to toxicity in dogs. It is concluded that most tutors are unaware of xylitol and products, with the sweetener, which present a risk for dogs. Thus, educational campaigns are necessary, as well as strengthening communication between veterinarians and tutors, during consultations, about toxic substances for dogs.
Copyright (c) 2022 Letícia Scalon Dias dos Santos, Nathalia de Almeida Gasparini, Raquel Nascimento Brogiato, Thainny de Souza Chiarelli, Victória Cristina Moreira de Souza, João Paulo Fernandes Santos
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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