Pyometra in African Pygmy Hedgehog: Case report
Mammal, hedgehog, pyometraAbstract
Pyometra is considered an inflammatory process of the uterus, it is frequent among several species of mammals. For diagnosis, it is essential to correlate clinical signs, physical examination and complementary exams. The African Pygmy Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris), became a pet in North America in the 1980s, with a captive life expectancy of 4 to 6 years. The current study aimed to describe a case report on an African Pygmy Hedgehog, treated at a Veterinary Clinic located in the city of Palhoça-SC, with suspected pyometra. Physical examination revealed bloody discharge. On ultrasound examination, open pyometra was detected. The animal was referred for a surgical procedure, undergoing an ovariosalpingohysterectomy. Postoperatively, the animal was treated with Cefovecin Sodica, Meloxicam, dipyrone and ointment with Gentamicin, Sulfanilamide and Sulfadiazine.
Copyright (c) 2021 Alice da Silva, Caroline Lemke dos Santos
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