Clinical and laboratorial profile of canine intoxication by Ricinus communis: Report of two cases


  • Fabio Baltazar Hospital Veterinário Pet Care, São Paulo
  • Mariana Haddad Capellanes Hospital Veterinário Pet Care, São Paulo, SP
  • Kimberly K. R. da Costa Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, UniFMU, São Paulo
  • Carla Alice Berl Diretoria Clínica, Hospital Veterinário Pet Care, São Paulo, SP, Brasil



ricin, dogs, plant poisoning


Intoxications by Ricinus communis are widely described in human and veterinary medicine, with clinical manifestations being distinct in intensity among species, depending on the individual susceptibility, the amount ingested, and the parts or products of the plant ingested, such as the fertilizer castor bean. Signs and symptoms commonly observed in intoxicated patients include mainly gastrointestinal manifestations, although the involvement of circulatory system is possible, as seen in most severe cases. The present report describes two dogs (referred as “patient 1”, golden retriever, and patient 2, a mongrel dog), admitted at the Pet Care Veterinary Hospital ambulatory presenting emesis and prostration after having eaten castor bean cake during the fertilization of the tutors' garden, at home. Both animals were hospitalized for symptomatic intravenous support therapy and underwent hematology, complete serum biochemistry, abdominal ultrasonography and pancreatic specific lipase (SPEC), although prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were performed only for the patient 2, since pancreatitis was suspected. Hematological analysis only revealed leukocytosis, and biochemical tests showed no alterations, as well as pancreatic specific lipase dosages, although the increased activated partial thromboplastin time. The hospitalization period was 24 and 72 hours, respectively, since patient 2 was hypotensive at admission and initial intensive period. Both animals presented favorable clinical evolution until the fourth day of treatment, after the ingestion of castor bean cake. Therefore, we concluded the favorable prognosis depending on early therapeutic institution, especially when performed intensively.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Clinical and laboratorial profile of canine intoxication by Ricinus communis: Report of two cases. (2018). Pubvet, 12(12).