Biometrics of the Trigona truculenta species (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Nesting Transfer in Belterra, Pará


  • Adcléia Pires UFOPA



Bee stingless, conservation, rescue


The stingless bee Trigona truculenta, popularly known as "Sanharão" occurs in the Neotropical region and is considered a defensive bee, because it has an expressive population, with approximately 80,000 individuals, who have cutting jaws and defend themselves from their invaders with "bites ", Making management difficult. In this sense, the present work had the objective of performing the rescue and transfer of a nesting nest in an urban area of the municipality of Belterra, Pará, as well as to study the habit of nesting, providing subsidies for management programs and preservation of colonies of native bees. Information about the nest number and area of breeding discs, calving cell size (height, diameter), size of honey pots and pollen, volume of honey pots and weight of the pollen masses contained in the pots. The species has a very large nest structure, which size was 1.30 m long by 1.25 m wide, requiring considerable space for nesting, being able to be rescued and managed rationally for environmental conservation units. The nest was divided into six boxes, five with their breeding discs with real cells and princesses and a box with breeding discs and queen. These boxes were taken to an area of environmental preservation (APA). It was concluded that it is necessary to redeem species of native bees that do not present the potential for rational breeding, because they run the risk of destroying their swarms, causing an imbalance to the environment, since they provide an indispensable service, pollination.






How to Cite

Biometrics of the Trigona truculenta species (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and Nesting Transfer in Belterra, Pará. (2019). Pubvet, 13(02).

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