Seroepidemiological prevalence of Leptospira spp. in dairy cattle herds of the Doge River region in the State of Espírito Santo
leptospirosis, management, serovarsAbstract
The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of Leptospirosis in dairy herds of the Rio Doce, ES, composed of six municipalities: Aracruz, Ibiraçu, João Neiva, Linhares, Rio Bananal and Sooretama. The properties were randomly selected, with two properties per municipality. It was admitted as a criterion for selecting these properties because they did not present the management of anti-Leptospira vaccination in the animals. The number of blood samples in each property was according to the availability of animals, which totaled 100 blood samples. The serological technique used was Microscopic Soroagglutination (SAM). Serum samples were submitted to dilutions of 10 (ten) live antigens, including the serovars L. australis, L. butembo, L. copenhageni, L. bratislava, L. canicola, L. grippothyphosa, L. hardjo prajitno, L. L. pomol, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Wolffi of the genus Leptospira spp. of the species interrogans.The prevalence of serovars in this study was from Wolffi (24%); Bratislava (15%); Hardjo prajitno (11%); Pomona (10%); Butembo (10%); Australis (8%); Canicola (5%); Ichterohaemorragiae (5%); Grippotyphosa (4%); Copenhageni (3%). The results demonstrate that bovine Leptospirosis is present in the mesoregion with 50% prevalence in individuals, the main risk factors being non-vaccination, presence of rodents, joint breeding and open herd.
Copyright (c) 2020 André Eller Baroni, Gabriella Bossanelli, Rithielli Boening Boelcke, Leonardo Campos Almeida
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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