Nocardiosis in a feline: Case report


  • Luciana dos Reis Universidade Anhembi Morumbi



infectious, feline


Nocardiosis is an infectious disease which can befall acutely or chronically with pyogranulomatous characteristics, and may affect the animal in a systemic way, being considered rare in felines. Infection occurs through wound contact with the agent Nocardia spp. which is found in soil, water, wood and other places favorable to its growth and contamination. The disease can generate fistula formation, localized or disseminated abscesses, and present serosanguineous secretion. Hence, the aim of this article is to report a case of feline nocardiosis. The animal was treated at a private veterinary clinic in Lagarto/SE, it was 3 years old, of no defined breed (RDS), with abscesses in the rostral region, abdomen, thoracic and pelvic limbs. Histopathological examination diagnosed nocardiosis and the animal underwent pharmacological treatment along with reconstructive surgery. However, the patient died with ascites, anorexia and low nutritional status when he returned to the clinic. The tutor did not authorize the autopsy to elucidate the cause of death.





Medicina veterinária

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