Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of urolithiasis in a feline: case report


  • Patricia Galucio e Silva UNAMA
  • Edileni Barbosa da Silveira Discente de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade da Amazônia, Campus Santarém – PA, Brasil.
  • Dennis José da Silva Lima Docente na Universidade da Amazônia, Campus Santarém – PA, Brasil.
  • Yuri Teiichi da Silva Kobaiashi Médico Veterinário na Clínica Veterinária da Unama, Campus Santarém – PA, Brasil.




analyze, bladder stones, cystotomy, diet, urinary tract


Urolithiasis is a common condition in the feline clinic, characterized by the presence of urolith in any segment of the urinary tract. This study aimed to report the case of a 3 - year – old male, castrated male with two bladder uroliths, hematuria, polaquiuria, dysuria, strangury, urinary incontinence and apathy. On the ultrasound examination, the presence of two hyperechoic structures was detected in the urinary vesicle. The treatment was surgical excision, througt cystotomy. Subsequently, the calculations were sent to a qualitative laboratory evaluation, in which the composition designated triple phosphate/ struvite stones. In the postoperative period, a diet based on specific therapeutic ration for the urinary tract was recommended. After 6 months the animal showed no signs of urinary tract disease. The surgical procedure showed efficiency eliminating the symptoms resulting from the uroliths. In addition, analysis of cauculations is essential to establish proper diet and prevent recidivism.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Diagnostic and therapeutic approach of urolithiasis in a feline: case report. (2020). Pubvet, 14(03). https://doi.org/10.31533/pubvet.v14n3a522.1-8