Surgical correction of type 1 anal atresia using in adapted Diamond flap in dog
Dog, diamond, anal stenosis, geometric flapAbstract
This case report aims to present a case of anal atresia type 1, with anal stenosis in a German Shepherd dog. The surgical technique used was that of the adapted Diamond flap and resulted in a successful resolution of the case. Anal atresia is uncommon in the veterinary clinic, but the one classified as type 1 is the most frequently observed. In the present case the patient presented resolution of the atresia contition and return to sphincter activity confirming that the use of the geometric flap advancement technique is effective for the surgical treatment of type 1 anal atresia.
Copyright (c) 2021 Rodolfo Soerensen, Gabriela Bertolucci Coletti, Jeniffer Gabriela Figueroa Coris, Leonardo Lamarca de Carvalho, Laís Fernanda Sargi, Jessé Ribeiro Rocha, Fernanda Gosuen Gonçalves Dias
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