Egg pricing and labeling on supermarkets in São Paulo
Agribusiness, free range, organic, production system, traceabilityAbstract
Brazil is a big table egg producer and consumer. Although battery cages are still the main production system in the country, growth in demand for specialty eggs can be identified from the growing availability of free-range and organic eggs in the market. The goal for this study was to report the prices of different table egg categories, varying in features such as eggshell color, package size or farming system, and to characterize the information available on labels. We investigated fifteen supermarket units, randomly distributed along the west side of the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Four data collections were performed throughout one year, in each unit. Our results indicate that organic eggs were the most expensive among different farming systems. Furthermore, brown shell eggs were more expensive compared to white shell eggs, regardless of the farming system. Eggs sold in small packages were more expensive than eggs sold in large packages. Cage-free and organic eggs had labels with more informative content and, lastly, eggs with more detailed labels were related to higher prices.
Copyright (c) 2021 Anna Cristina de Oliveira Souza, Thiago Henrique da Silva, Thiago Bernardino, Augusto Hauber Gameiro
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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