Epidemiological profile of acute Chagas disease in Brazil between 2009-2019


  • Isadora Florentino Martins Universidade do Grande Rio
  • Alexandre de Pina Costa Universidade do Grande Rio



Chagas disease, incidence, infection, transmission


This study aimed to carry out an epidemiological analysis of cases of Chagas disease registered by the Informatics Department of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) in Brazil in the period between 2009 and 2019. In which the variables applied were: year, month, region notification, probable mode of infection, age group, gender and evolution. In the period studied, 2,821 confirmed cases of Chagas Disease were registered in the Brazilian territory, where it was possible to observe a growing number of cases. The year 2018 stood out as the year with the highest incidence to date, with oral transmission as the likely mode of infection, which represented 85.6% of total notifications, with evidence from the year 2014 and açai being the cause of this change in the transmission scenario. The epidemiological curve of notifications per month showed a seasonal distribution pattern, due to peaks in the months of October and declines during the months of March, which correlated with the characteristics of the vector and açai crops. The highest incidence rates over the years occurred in the North Region, where it presented 98.8% in 2016, a fact justified by the high consumption of the fruit in the state of Pará. The most affected individuals were males, in an age group between 20-59 years, this being the economically active population. Despite the variables with astonishing values, 1.45% of the Chagas disease patients died, evidencing the low relationship between Chagas disease and mortality. It is necessary to recognize the breadth of the picture and act on different fronts so that these indices decrease. The structuring of epidemiological and sanitary surveillance in the most affected region is notorious, as well as the need for awareness and education actions for the population.





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How to Cite

Martins IF, Costa A de P. Epidemiological profile of acute Chagas disease in Brazil between 2009-2019. Pubvet [Internet]. 2022 May 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];16(05). Available from: https://ojs.pubvet.com.br/index.php/revista/article/view/50

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