Silage and the fibrous components of bulky foods
Forage, hemicelluloses, ruminantsAbstract
Silage and the fibrous components of bulky foods
Abstract. Silage is the most used method for preserving bulky foods. The main nutritional component of these foods is the fiber. However, the impacts of ensilage on the fiber are variable. In this sense, it can be seen proportional increases in the participation of neutral detergent fiber (FDN) in the silages due to the consumption of proteins and soluble carbohydrates during the fermentation process. The intensity of this increase depends on the intrinsic characteristics of the forages used, the quality and type of fermentation that take place in the silo. However, it should be considered that the fermentation process can also act directly on the fibrous components. Due to its biochemical characteristics, this action usually occurs on hemicelluloses, through the acid hydrolyses mechanism. Therefore, the ensilage can also reduce the FDN contents of silages. The drop in the FDN contents is often seen in quality fermentation processes with low dry matter (DM) losses. Furthermore, it should be noted thar the acid hydrolyses of hemicelluloses has important nutritional implications, leading to a decrease in fiber digestibility and an increase in organic matter (MO) digestibility of the silages. It is observed with the results discussed that the quality of the fermentation processes is decisive in the consequences of ensiling on the fibrous components of bulky foods.
Copyright (c) 2021 Frederico Patrus Ananias de Assis Pires, Lúcio Carlos Gonçalves, Alan Figueiredo de Oliveira, Guilherme Lobato Menezes, Pamella Grossi de Sousa, Rafael Araújo de Menezes, João Vitor Araújo Ananias

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