First case report occurrence of Hepatozoon spp. in the municipality of Santa Teresa, Espírito Santos


  • Rogerio Barroso Universidade Federal do Acre



dog, imidocarb diprionate, hemoparasitosis, hepatozoonosis


Hepatozoonosis is a disease caused by a protozoan of Hepatozoon genus. In Brazil, Hepatozoon canis has been reported to cause disease in dogs. Transmission occurs after ingestion of infected ticks, and the muscles and leukocytes are parasitism locations. Muscle tremors, myalgia and clinical hyperthermia are signals that can occur in affected dogs. Diagnosis can be accomplished by the detection of gamonts forms inside leukocytes from blood smears and for the treatment, imidocarb dipropionate is the drug of choice. The objective of this work is to describe the first case of canine hepatozoonosis in the municipality of Santa Teresa-ES, using the medical records of the infected animal. This study highlights the possibility of underdiagnosis of the disease, probably due to the lack of veterinarian’s knowledge about it and it also reviews the literature about this little-known parasite.





Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

First case report occurrence of Hepatozoon spp. in the municipality of Santa Teresa, Espírito Santos. (2020). Pubvet, 14(08).

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