Use of chromotherapy in the reproduction of the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus)




Animal, birds, chromotherapy, reproduction


Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) are very popular birds to have as companion animals as they are easy to manage. Despite the intense number of breeders, there are still many difficulties related to their reproductive management and scarce studies in the area. The present work addresses one of the treatments of integrative medicine still little explored in in veterinary medicine, the chromotherapy technique. It is a holistic vibrational/energetic color therapy, with the aim of evaluating the effect of using chromotherapy on the behavior and well-being of animals. The study was carried out with the use of two couples from a breeder located in the city of Votorantim. The birds were divided into two groups, the control group (CG; n = 2) and the treated group (TG; n = 2). In the control group, the birds were kept in a nursery without environmental enrichment and without the base colors of chromotherapy. In the treated group, the birds were in a vivarium with colored toys (environmental enrichment) and with feeders and drinkers of the main colors of chromotherapy. For behavioral evaluation, an ethogram was used. It was observed that there was lower occurrence of infant deaths (TG = 36%; GC= 71%) and no occurrence of chronic posture (TG = 0; CG = 2) for TG when compared to CG. According to the conditions proposed in this work, it is suggested that chromotherapy associated with environmental enrichment positively influences the well-being of the birds, reducing the number of chronic postures and deaths of chicks.


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Reprodução animal

How to Cite

Use of chromotherapy in the reproduction of the cockatiel (Nymphicus hollandicus). (2024). Pubvet, 18(06), e1606.

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