State of the art on impaction colic syndrome in horses




Horses, colic, compression


Colic syndrome or acute abdomen is a disease that occurs from a chain of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, with clinical signs of abdominal pain. In compaction colic, there is an accumulation of dehydrated masses leading to total obstruction of intestinal transit, which can occur in any portion of the gastrointestinal tract, but is more prevalent in certain specific locations due to the anatomical particularities of the horse. Despite advances in equine farming and equine management, colic syndrome continues to occur frequently, causing financial losses for owners, in addition to pain and animal stress. Therefore, it is important to obtain qualified veterinarians to carry out an early diagnosis and correct treatment of this condition, considering studies like this an aid to the recognition and effectiveness in the treatment of compression colic syndrome. Thus, an integrative review was carried out following the six steps covered in the literature, with the aim of bringing together studies previously ran on the topic, with our search carried out on the Scopus platform. After data tabulation and interpretation, we found that there was a need for more annual related updates. The ingestion of low-digestibility grass was one of the main risk factors, in addition to phytobezoars and foreign bodies. However, to a greater extent, compaction colic occurs due to changes in management, quality/quantity and type of food. Clinical treatment was the most commonly used treatment in cases of colic, with the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug flunixin meglumine was the most recommended for pain management. The ideal hydration is intravenous hydration with Ringer’s lactate, and the laxative Senna is considered contraindicated due to its adverse effects. Furthermore, this study has data to recognize the epidemiology of the disease in Brazil and to encourage further epidemiological research on the condition.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

State of the art on impaction colic syndrome in horses. (2024). Pubvet, 18(02), e1552.

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