Black hair follicular dysplasia in a Pinscher

Case report




alopecia, follicular dysplasia, hereditary, hypotrichosis, melanocytes, melanosomes


Black hair follicular dysplasia (BHFD) is an uncommon genetic and hereditary dermatopathy, of etiopathogenesis poorly elucidated, but with autosomal recessive inheritance. It's characterized by the appearance of skin changes such as hypotrichosis, alopecia, melanoderma and dyskeratosis, in areas with black hair in young dogs with two or three colors. Without sexual or racial predilection, it is defined by clusters of melanin in the hair, accumulation of macromelanosomes in melanocytes, and insufficient transfer of melanin to adjacent keratinocytes, generating greater fragility, opacity, dryness, graying, loss and breakage of black hair, including within the hair follicle. There is no effective treatment for BHFD and its diagnosis is made through medical history, physical examination and laboratory analysis, including trichogram and histopathological examination of alopecic areas. Since it's an uncommon skin condition, this work aims to do a brief literature review on BHFD and report the case of a Pinscher dog, approximately 6 years old, diagnosed with the disease and treated at the Univet Saúde Animal veterinary clinic in Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Pernambuco (Brazil), in august 2023.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Black hair follicular dysplasia in a Pinscher: Case report. (2023). Pubvet, 18(01), e1533.