Anesthetic procedures in endoscopy to remove an esophageal foreign body: Case report




anesthesia, endoscopy, foreign body, dog


The use of anesthetics in endoscopic procedures has multiple beneficial functions, such as reducing the response to stress, better postoperative respiratory function, and less postoperative pain. On the other hand, an endoscopy has its disadvantages, such as a more limited visibility of the operated area and, therefore, longer duration of surgery with the possibility of greater use of the anesthetics. However, the benefits outweigh these disadvantages, as the recovery prognosis for patients is favorable. As endoscopy is a procedure that has become increasingly common in veterinary medicine due to its practicality, it is very important that the veterinary anesthesiologist be prepared to apply adequate sedation in the procedure. During the transoperative period, the animal remained stable, despite the resistance of the foreign body to damage and it persisting in the region of the cervical esophageal mucosa.


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Medicina veterinária

How to Cite

Anesthetic procedures in endoscopy to remove an esophageal foreign body: Case report. (2023). Pubvet, 17(12), e1478.